With news that singer Ivy’s ID number was leaked online, the source of leakage DC Inside comedy program Gallery experienced excess of traffic and serve downtime. A photo revealing Ivy’s ID number was posted up on the site on 10th January and with that Ivy’s personal information has been leaked online as well.
Ivy attempted the bungee jump on Mnet ‘Ivy Back’ recently, the problem was magnified when the reporter published a photo the certificate certifying that Ivy has succeeded in the bungee jump attempt. The reporter did not mosaic out Ivy’s ID number on the photo and just published the photo, and the photo was circulated rapidly online instantly.
Even though the photo was mosaic-ed later, netizens have already made captures of the earlier photo and posted them up on DCInside. With that, netizens have continued with leaking out Ivy’s personal information. Some netizens even hacked into community sites and portal sites with her ID number.
Ivy’s company said, "We will be taking legal actions against the reporter and also netizens who leaked out the personal informatio of Ivy. We will also be hiring cyber crime investigators and will be taking legal actions against any netizens who will use Ivy’s ID number to do hacking."
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