Gillian Chung, William Chan, Michelle Wai and the rest of the cast including producer Chapman To and the director attended EEG's new film
Ah Gil reveals that in the new film, she plays William's girlfriend, having many kiss and bed scenes. She also gave her first on-screen kiss to him: "When the director called cut, I had to immediately push him away, the second time he backed off himself. After a few more kisses, he was pretty good to kiss. The bed scenes are still undergoing changes, it won't be pornographic." She then laughed and said that William and Michelle will have even more heated kiss scenes. Asked if she's worried that her film cannot be shown in Mainland? She said: "It's an artistic film, the main focus is the Hong Kong market."
William laughed and said that because Ah Gil gave her first kiss to him, looks like the kiss was filled with brain fire, he said: "I'm honored to take Ah Gil and Michelle's 'first time', even if there was no fee, I would still do it! (Who are you more heated with?) Michelle. We kissed more than 10 times and still had to keep going after 4 hours! From the bathroom to the corridor, living room to the sofa. My back was hurting after filming." Michelle laughed: "Kissed so much that my lips felt scraped. We were rolling around so much that our legs were bruised and we had to do it with many movements too." William said that he's usually filming in his underwear for most of the film. To show off his acting career, he has won Charlene Choi, Ah Gil, Michelle and Vivien Chow's 'first time' in different styles. Speaking of Michelle's breakthrough scene of revealing her full back, she said: "I didn't dare to watch the play back, when the Director called cut, I started crying."
Oriental Daily
Fashion2news.blogspot.comTranslated by: aZnangel @ http://asianuniverse.net/forums/
Charlene Choi is one of the most promising actress/singer in Hong Kong. She is always so natural and dedicated when it comes to acting in movies. Not mention, she has a sweet voice too.